Location of the city
The Great Mosque
This is the most famous mosque in Indonesia; Mesjid Raya Baiturrahman. It has a very interesting historical story how it was built. This is also what people know as a landmark of Banda Aceh as a capital city in Aceh province with majority Islam religious people. It is used by Aceh people for praying and celebrate some Islamic or culture tradition as Aceh is upholding the Syaria Law. Since it was built again by dutch after defeated Aceh in a big battle in 1873, The Grat Mosque of Baiturrahman has been renovated and decorated many times. Until today, it is still found the influence of west Architecture design from the past.
In the year of the terrifying disaster 2004, when Tsunami hit the mosque, but it saved many lives of Acehnese. Lots of survivors of Tsunami fled here to escape the wave. Even it got hit by the earthquake and Tsunami, this sacred holly mosque still stands amazingly beautiful and has become a symbol of a strong belief of the miracle of Islam for the Acehnese.